Updated Action Alert for Jamil Al-Amin
As previously reported, political prisoner Imam Jamil Al Amin (AKA H. Rap Brown) is in medical crisis. Note the petition and letter from his wife, Sister Karima Al Amin, Esq. below with an update on his condition and numbers to call. Also listen to interview with Sis Karima and Ramsey Clark on WBAI’s Law and Disorder this Monday morning.
People of conscience should:
– contact the ADX at (719) 784-9464
– send e-mails to FLM/ execassistant@bop.gov
– voice concerns on http://www.bop.gov/inmates/concerns.jsp by selecting Florence ADMAX USP, and entering Jamil Al-Amin #99974-555
– contact their Congressional reps
– contact the Medical Director in Washington, DC, at nkendig@bop.gov
– contact the director of the Federal Bureau of Prisons, Charles Samuels, in Washington, DC; and sign petitions.
– There also is an effort underway to contact Eric Holder.
*Letter from his wife, Karima Al Amin, Attorney at Law, with more details on his condition*
There are several updates on the internet, but this is where we are at this point:
1.) Imam Jamil has had a dental problem for more than a year, which
resulted in swollen jaws, broken teeth, and the inability to swallow;
2.) He lost 29 lbs. over a three-week period;
3.) His legs, feet and ankles have been swollen; and
4.) He went through a two-week period whereby he could not get out of his
bed except for two times a day.
He attempted to see a physician at ADX, but instead saw a physician’s
assistant who gave him water pills, and antibiotics weeks after his second
Based on people calling and inquiries from two Congressional reps, ADX
finally took blood and urine tests. Results were shared with Imam Jamil,
on June 23, 2014, a day after Attorney Ramsey Clark completed his visit
with him at the ADX. The Regional Medical Director discussed the
preliminary findings with Imam Jamil and said the findings suggested that
he may have Multiple Myeloma–cancer of the plasma cells, and the stage
would be confirmed once he had a bone marrow biopsy. If he has not reached
stage 1 of the condition, then it would suggest that he has MGUS, which is
a pre-Multiple Myeloma condition. Imam Jamil’s take on the discussion was
that he had cancer, and the stage would be confirmed once he has the biopsy.
Based on this information, his age (70 years), and the symptoms, we are
calling for his immediate transfer to a federal medical center, Butner, NC,
or Rochester, MN, where he could receive the appropriate monitoring and
medical care.
I hope this information is useful. Please let me know if you need
additional information. We appreciate your assistance.