Update from Robert ‘Seth’ Hayez on parole petition and health condition

Update from Robert ‘Seth’ Hayez on parole petition and health condition


2014/01/16 · by

Update from Seth, also sign and share his petition for release at

An open Letter to all of you.

To thank you for your engagement to render

Voice and Support and Your Love. In my hour of need.

First and Foremost, let me say, from my heart, I thank all of you. Through your efforts, today I can say, I am stronger, observing new results after waiting so long. I see changes being implemented and a more serious attitude from those who are held responsible for my health care. I am still waiting for an outside trip for the purpose of full diabetic work up towards stabilized control. This I am informed will occur, but I am not privileged to know when. Shortly after that acknowledgement, Dr. W. Sidorowicz suggested I agree to be admitted into the facility infirmary for diabetic assessment (?), treatment(?) of which I agreed. I did not want to appear to be refusing medical treatment made available to me. I am concerned though, “why now?”  What stopped them 13 years ago to the present from accomplishing this same purpose? Anyway, I await any implementations of positive health care provision.

At the moment, I feel stronger, more focused and patient. Meanwhile, I continue to suggest that nutritious meal supplements (fresh fruits, vegetables, unsweetened and low sodium items) be made available in the commissary for purchase. Or at the very least allowed through the package room. DOCCS has repeatedly refused to provide these valuable assets to the inmate and inmate patients population. The DOCCS excuse, stating its standard position that they provide adequate food substances. In short, one diet fits all irrespective of medical needs and concerns. Irrespective of the fact that it deprives some from medical services.

Happily, Lately, I had a visit on Sat. 12/28 with my daughter Crystal. And that in itself, enhanced my recovery stamina. Her smiles, love, compassion and concern lifter higher that I’d been for some time, so I wanted to than her herein as well.

To you Family, Comrades, Support Networks and Community Workers. Thank you for all your caring, sharing and continued interest in righting a wrong that corrections has allowed to fester for far to long. I also continue to have strong stamina in working towards parole release. We have strong points of law that demand compliance. We are circulating a public petition towards release after so long incarcerated.http://www.change.org/petitions/tina-m-stanford-free-robert-seth-hayes-74a2280

Finally, an open invitation to you to attend the MXCC PP/POW Dinner, January 18th, 2014 at the Martin Luther King Jr., Labor Center, 310 West 43rd. Streed ( between 8th & 9th ave) in Manhatten, NY. Contact the Malcolm X Commemoration Committee 718-512-5008, mxcc519@verizon.net, http://www.mxcc519.org/ , or MXCC PO BOX 380-122, Brooklyn, NY 11238.

Again thank you so much for your continued faith and support. Much love to you and yours from PP/POW’s steadfastly engaged with you.


Robert Seth Hayes