Saturday January 17, 2015, 3p.m. – 7p.m. MXCC Annual Dinner Tribute. “In the tradition”
To the families of our Political Prisoners & Prisoners of War. At the:
MLK, Jr. Labor Center
1199 Union HQ
310 W. 43rd Street
(Between 8th & 9th Ave)
New York Ny 10036
The Malcolm X Commemoration Commmittee (MXCC) presents the 19th Annual Dinner Tribute, co-sponsored by the 1199 SEIU Activist.
Cultural Presentation by AMINA BARAKA.
Donations: $40 Advance, $45 at Door, $10 Validated Parking Available and Dinner served at 4 p.m.
Guest Speaker: Mama IYALUUA FERGUSON.
All proceeds go to the commissary accounts of PP/POWs represented at the Dinner. If you are unable to attend, please donate. This Dinner Tribute greatly assist our captive freedom fighters and their families througout the year.
For reservations/more info contact: The Malcolm X Commemoration Committee, P.O. Box 380-122, Brooklyn NY 11238, (718) 512-5008,,
Edcucate, Agitate & Organize to Free our Political Prisoners & Prisoners of War. For more info on PP/POWs visit: -or-