Please donate if you are able to the Sundiata Acoli Freedom Campaign to cover the legal costs of Sundiata’s appeal process.
Make checks payable to: Sundiata Acoli Freeedom Campaign (or SAFC)
Mail to:
Florence Morgan
120-46 Queens Blvd.
Kew Gardens, New York 11415
On September 2014, a New Jersey Appellate Court ordered Sundiata Acoli’s release, resting its decision on the eligibility requirements under the New Jersey Parole Act of 1979. The New Jersey Parole Board immediately announced it would appeal the decision and request a “Stay” of Sundiata’s release until the appeal was heard. The “Stay” was granted which resulted in Sundiata remaining incarcerated while awaiting a decision from the New Jersey Supreme Court. The case was argued before the New Jersey Supreme Court which held that the Appellate Court exceeded its authority in ordering Sundiata’s release because a procedural process had not been followed. It’s important to note that the NJ supreme Court did not disturb the Appellate court’s decision on the merits.
On November 16, 2016, the board sent Sundiata a decision informing him that it had set a Future Eligibility Term (FET) of 180 months! An appeal will again be taken to the Appellate Division that ordered Sundiata’s release in 2014.
Financial contributions are needed so that Sundiata’s attorney may continue to pursue his freedom. Transcripts, briefs, printing, binding are but some of the cost. The brief to the NJ Appellate court is being prepared. Sundiata needs funds-at least $10,000. He is most grateful for your help and sends his thanks for whatever you can contribute.
Checks or Money orders payable to: Sundiata Acoli Freedom Campaign (or SAFC) Mail to: Florence Morgan 120-46 Queens Blvd. Kew Gardens, New York 11415