Check out Former PP Ojore Lutalo’s Artistic Collages

The artist and US political prisoner Ojore Lutalo was released from New Jersey State Prison on August 26th by way of court order. He maxed out after 28 years, 22 of which were sent in the Management Control Unit  (solitary confinement) in the infamous New Jersey State Prison. Ojore’s internment of political isolation stemmed from entertaining political thoughts that the government didn’t approve of Ojore began creating his political propaganda both as a way to maintain his sanity and to more adequately convey to his friends and supporters the physical and emotional reality he experienced with extended solitary confinement During his 22 years in isolation, Ojore created a wide range of art pieces offering his unique political perspective. The collages are for sale and can be found on Ojore is available for art showings. E-mail

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