A Message for Lynne Stewart on her 74th Birthday from Lou Wolf

A Message for Lynne Stewart on her 74th Birthday from Lou Wolf


October 8th, 2013 A Message for Lynne Stewart on her 74th Birthday from Lou Wolf

Carswell Federal Medical Center in Fort Worth, Texas is known as one of the starkest and most punitive penal facilities in the United States. Documented media reports about Carswell point to various forms of prisoner abuse with allegations of medical malpractice, sexual abuse by prison staff, and wanton neglect of inmates.

It is apparent that Lynne’s continuing incarceration despite her medical crisis is motivated by the government’s felt need for revenge due to the fact that Lynne revealed in court that the attempted bombing of the Twin Towers in 1993 that killed 6 people and wounded over a thousand was actually an inside job involving the FBI.

The provision of compassionate release that for years was effectively kept secret by the Bureau of Prisons until Lynne’s friends and supporters uncovered it, could not apply more directly to anyone than the late Herman Wallace or Lynne Stewart.

Lynne is one of those rarest of souls who has no single part of her being that is selfish or self-interested, but who, in the midst of her own physical stress and pain, wakens each day at Carswell hoping to help another fellow human being.

The greatness of Lynne Stewart is personified in the words she wrote this week to her family and her many thousands of supporters here and around the globe: “I remain my ebullient self and face my fight and my future with optimism.”